
5 MINUTES WITH AN EVERYDAY VEGAN: Julianne – Hashtag Vegan

Julianne Hall is an AADP-Certified Holistic Health Coach. Also, Julianne is the founder of It is the home of all things vegan: food and drink recipes, stories of our brave animal friends, vegan product reviews, cruelty-free fashion trends, and much more!

Julianne Hall is an AADP-Certified Holistic Health Coach. Also, Julianne is the founder of It is the home of all things vegan: food and drink recipes, stories of our brave animal friends, vegan product reviews, cruelty-free fashion trends, and much more!

How did you become vegan?

I became vegan eight years ago after I learned about the horrors of the meat and dairy industries. As an animal lover, I realized that I could no longer contribute to the harsh realities that millions of animals face. Once I became vegan, I quickly learned about the many physical, environmental, mental, and spiritual benefits that came along with a plant-based diet. I have not looked back since!

What is the most common question you have to answer about veganism and how do you answer it?

The most common question I get is: what do you eat? I usually answer by saying that I eat everything that I used to, but without the animal products. I eat sandwiches, salads, pancakes, pizza, smoothies, pasta, tacos, etc! I’ve simply found ways to substitute cruelty-free options in for the cheese, dairy, eggs, and meat. On a more basic level, I eat fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds.

What is your favourite quick to fix vegan snack?

My favorite quick snack is popcorn with coconut oil and pink himalayan salt. I’m also a sucker for organic tortilla chips and salsa!

What is the perfect breakfast or first meal of the day?

If I have time, I like to cook up a big veggie scramble with tempeh or lentils, but on mornings that I am in a hurry, I usually go for a quick smoothie with almond or oat milk, frozen bananas, berries, flaxseed, and whatever greens I have on hand from my local farmer!

What is your favourite vegan place?

My favorite vegan place is any Blossom Restaurant in NYC! They have the most creative and beautiful dishes, and they even have a chain of “fast-food” vegan spots (Blossom Du Jour) for a more affordable, quick lunch. I love that they contribute proceeds to wonderful causes like Woodstock Animal Sanctuary.

What is your favourite vegan product?

It is hard to choose because there are so many out there now! I try not to eat too many processed vegan products, but when a serious craving hits, I love any vegan cheese by Daiya. Aside from that, my pantry staples include whole foods like lentils, beans, quinoa, oats, coconut oil, coconut sugar, Einkorn pasta, and fresh vegetables from my local organic farm (Sang Lee Farms).

Please share your favourite tips on vegan cooking?

My biggest tip on vegan cooking is to keep it simple! You don’t have to be a fancy chef or memorize crazy recipes to make a great meal.  Check out your local farm or farmers’ market, pick up some veggies that are in season, and build a meal around that! The internet is a great resource if you need a place to start, but don’t be afraid to wing it and just experiment!

Do you track your blood results, if yes please specify.

No, I do not.

Do you take supplements if yes please explain?

The only supplement I take is a sublingual Vitamin B12.

Cinnamon & Coffee Smoothie

hashtag-vegan-smoothie-recipe.jpgAfter a morning workout, this Cinnamon & Coffee Smoothie totally hits the spot.

  • 6 oz unsweetened almond milk (I use Pacific Foods organic.)
  • 2 oz home-made cold brew coffee concentrate (I use locally roasted Tend Coffee and cold-brew overnight but if you want to keep it simple, just sub in any strong coffee!)
  • 1 frozen banana (organic!)
  • 1/4 C almond flour (I use Almond Pro but you could sub in any plant-based protein powder here.)
  • 1 T coconut cream (I use Native Forest organic.)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon (I use Simply Organic.)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (I use Simply Organic.)
  • optional: pinch of stevia (I use Trader’s Joe’s organic powder form.)

Blend on high and enjoy!

You can find more amazing ideas from Julianne by visiting her Instagram page @hashtagvegan for recipe ideas, giveaways, and more!

Instagram: @hashtagvegan
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